Sunday, November 16, 2008


After my mother died last year, I brought home a drawing she had done of me many years ago.

She did portraits of everyone in the family. I like this one of me because it depicts more than a face; it captures something deeper. I see the essence of who I was back then. She knew.

Every morning we must love what is lost in us
and begin again.

Beth Farris


I live in eternity's light with those I love,
bound by the laws of Heaven, the laws of Karma,
the sense and beating of the heart.

Thank God for the here, and the hereafter,
I am part of both.

Judy Collins

1 comment:

Linda said...

Your mother was so talented. I can see the essence of you in that drawing also. :)

I didn't realize you were posting here as often as you apparently are. I'm going to have to check more frequently.

Word verification: anatie

Definition: A scarf that resembles a man's tie.

Usage: Linda's choice of an anatie instead of a necklace proved to be a disasterous fashion faux paux.

About Me

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I'm a young woman of 50 years on this earth... I'm a single Mom... I'm an RN... I'm a writer.