Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Time is Now

Our time is now - to vote for the best candidate for the Democratic nominee for the Office of the President of the United States of America!

My candidate is Barack Obama.

I'm involved in the campaign and watched the debate last night. Obama's and Clinton's platforms and stance on the issues are so similar one could almost call them duplicative, but Obama inspires more trust and more respect. He doesn't deliver the low-blows that one sees flung around by other candidates who will (apparently) sink to any depths to sway the voters.

He conducts himself with utmost poise and decency. He's smart. He's compassionate. He's spent time in the trenches, helping the poor and disenfranchised, even after having completed his Law degree at Harvard University........... where, by the way, he was the first Black American to be president of the Law Review.

This is a man completely self-built. No silver spoon or famous spouse to aid in his climb to the top. His accomplishments were borne of determination, intelligence and faith. He was brought up by a single mother, after his father left them when Barack was two years old. When he speaks about the struggles Americans face, he does so from personal experience.

He's not going to bullshit anyone with false promises. It's just not in him.

I urge folks to join the cause for a far better America and cast your vote for Barack Obama!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


On this, the 12th day of February, in the year 2008, I make my debut into the blogosphere.

I'm going to be 50 years old this year - Oh My God! Half a century! - and it's time I start being more adventurous. Time's short, doncha know.

My goal for 2008 is to break out of my comfort zone and do things I've always wanted to do. Have some fun. This all-work, no-play existence has become a drudge. You know when you wake up every morning thinking to yourself, Is this all there is?, it's time for a paradigm shift, bigtime.

This blog is only a taste of what changes are afoot.

About Me

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I'm a young woman of 50 years on this earth... I'm a single Mom... I'm an RN... I'm a writer.